One Small Town Intensive Workshop
Please make a donation towards the One Small Town Administration and download the full 4-Part Implementation Workshop. That's over 9 hours of content. The starting donation is $12 but you are welcome to donate as much as you can give to this vital administration.
As the interest in ONE SMALL TOWN grows around the world, I am contacted by Mayors and other interested people from many countries who want to to start the process. It is no longer feasible for me to speak to hundreds of people one-on-one and keep explaining the implementation plan over and over again. The time has come to do GROUP WORKSHOPS for those who are serious and interested in making OST a reality.
Part One: One Small Town Workshop with Michael Tellinger
- Revision of philosophy
- How to prepare
- What not to do
- Primary objectives
- Why work with Mayors
- Role of Electricity
- Competition vs Collaboration & Cooperation
- Tools Of Enslavement
- What size of town? -
Part Two: One Small Town Workshop with Michael Tellinger
- Revision
- Role of the Mayor and Town Council
- Risks to Mayor and council
- Role of Investors
- Role of Community and People
- How does Community structure itself
- Town Council vs People’s Council -
Part Three: One Small Town Workshop with Michael Tellinger
- Role of Community & People
- How does the community structure itself
- Registration of Cooperative legal entity
- Town council vs People's council
- Difference between Community projects & New Businesses we choose to start -
Part Four: One Small Town Workshop with Michael Tellinger
- Role of electricity
- Choosing the right businesses for our town
- Business plans
- Strategic planning
- Creative think-tanks
- Analyzing all sectors of industry and more
- Website and Social media
- PR and Launch