Origins of Humankind

Origins of Humankind

All the content from A Journey of Discovery series. This includes the stone circles, Gold, Origins of Humankind, my fieldwork, and more.

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Origins of Humankind
  • Ep 49 - Fossils: Two Ribs

    A deeper look at the rib fossils that hold so many clues to the origins of ancient Africa. Join me on an in-depth discussion into the mysteries of the fossils.

  • EP 50 - Back To The Museum

    The Stone Circle Museum holds so many secrets. It's one of my favourite places to be. There are stories in there that the world needs to hear.

  • EP 51 - Lockdown Museum

    The global lockdown has produced many stories. In this story, the lockdown leads to a tour of the Stone Circle Museum.

  • EP 52 - Legs of Lamb

    When I first found large fossils resembling chunks of meat or what I call legs of lamb, I couldn’t contain myself. Let me walk through the story and touch further on some of the other exhibits in my museum.

  • EP 53 - Forgotten Origin with Steven Strong

    Steven Strong and Evan Strong are renowned investigators. They focus on the global impact of Aboriginal people sailing from, never to, Australia no less than 50,000 years ago, paying particular attention to the shared principles found within many Gnostic scriptures and the Dreaming.

  • EP 54 - Waterval Boven Pt 1 of 3

    Take a walk up to the mountain of Waterval Boven with me. A place I haven't explored in a long time. Looking for ancient clues left by time passed.

  • EP 55 - Waterval Boven Pt 2 of 3

    Part 2 of my walk up to the mountain of Waterval Boven. A place I haven't explored in a long time. Looking for ancient clues left by time passed.

  • EP 56 - Waterval Boven Pt 3 of 3

    Part 3 of my trip up the Waterval Boven mountain side. I find some artefacts and return them to the museum.

  • EP 57 - Michael Tellinger & Andreas Noack

    Join me on an in-depth chat with Andreas Noack of Global Butterfly. We look at the state of the political world right now with a throwback to years gone by. Fascinating and revealing in so many ways.

  • EP 58 - Sam Osmanagic PT 1

    Famed for his work on the Bosnian Pyramids, Sam Osmanagic joins me for a zoom conversation. The first in a series of chats we'll be having over the next few weeks.

  • EP 59 - Sam Osmanagic Chat 2

    Underground tunnels. Pyramid complexes. The mystery deepens as the discoveries are revealed.

  • EP 60 - Sam Osmanagic Chat 3

    Sam Osamanagic and I explore further the incredible mysteries of our work together. Part three in our series of Zoom chats.

  • EP 61 - Sam Osmanagic Chat 4

    Part 4 in my series of Zoom chats with Bosnian Pyramid expert and explorer, Sam Osmanagic.